
40kGT Final - Results

Phew! Well the final is done and congrats to Josh Roberts on 1st place with beast-star.

40kGT Final Day 1 Update

Happy so far with two wins and a very narrow loss to Scotland's current ETC captain.

40kGT Final This Weekend!

So this weekend is the big one, the 40kGT Final!

Hobby: Rhino/Razorback Templates


I've been meaning to get round to making something like this for, oh, maybe 3 or more years now but spurred on by the looming 40kGT Final I've eventually gotten round to making some templates for exploded rhino-chassis vehicles.

Blog Updates - Spotify and Email

Music is great. Gaming is great. Both together is awesome!

List-Fu: 1650 SW+IG+INQ for GT Final
CMON, Beamo (GW)

I thought I'd put up the list that I'm working on for the 40k GT finals in March. This list has developed from the thinking behind this post and the following discussions on the blog and at the club, so thanks to everyone who contributed their thoughts (Coyote, hornywingythingy and Jamie in particular).

List-Fu: Caledonian '14 Uprising Lists

Thought I'd share this link to the army lists for the upcoming Caledonian Uprising. For anyone interested in the sort of dirty lists they might be facing in the UK, this is a good indication of what is popular among the competitive crowd at the moment. Enjoy and good luck anyone going!

FW allowed at GW's Throne of Skulls

Games Workshop have now confirmed that Forge World units are allowed at their Throne of Skulls event.

Looking Ahead 2014

 So what does 2014 hold for Total Immersion?