Food For Thought: Path of the Autarch on Craftworld Lansing

Craftworld Lansing

This week I suggest checking out this excellent 5 part series on Mobility on Craftworld Lansing. I love global strategy articles which look at the how and why, the really high level thinking that can go on in a game.

This series looks at the different stages in the game (list building, start, middle and end) and how to use a mobile army in each of these. What I also liked was that the stages are approached differently depending on whether you are winning, losing or fighting tooth and nail.

Good reading for generals playing and fighting against mobile armies. More please!


  1. Followed it right the way through. They have some awesome stuff up there.

  2. Agreed! I only found the site a few weeks ago, and promptly read the whole series in one go. Very good articulate articles.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The series seemed to be well received in general. Which is good for motivation to tackle other articles of a similar nature.
